Monday, October 5, 2009

Telephone Operator Girl

"Telephone Operator Girl" 8" x 8"
colored pencil, sharpie and gouache on board.

So, I hemmed, and I hawed, and I procrastinated and worked on pieces I shouldn't've and then I went and did something I don't like to admit I am capable of. I did the entire piece in one night. See, above. 8 hours of work, wah la. I am super super happy with her too. It was one of those effortless little undertakings, where the first choice was always the right one. I needed this boost as well, I've been moving a bit show since "Beguiled" opened, and I feel empowered. Huzah! High quality images will be posted to my flickr hopefully by the end of the week. see the link at the top of the side menu, or click here: flickr


jessi said...

'ey i recognize this gal ! one of my favorite rosie riveter-type pics of a WWII woman aircraft worker :D

Sheila Hickmon said...

She's Beautiful!

JP Morrison said...

yes jessi! good eye. I love that picture. she is in fact technically an air plane operator girl... but telephones seemed more romantic to me.

John said...

Nice work my dear! Love the light on this one. Cheers!