Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I am Interviewed.

the two people discussed in this post.
My dear friend hissingfauna the savvy little artistic blogger that she is, has begun a weekly interview (each monday to be exact) of artists and other creatives that she publishes to said blog. I happen to have had the honor of being the popper of her bloggidy interview cherry. Lucky ducky me. No really. Please be so kind as to humor me with at least a little skim through of my witty retorts to her thoughtful questions and if that isn't enough to lure you away from my shiny page onto hers you can check out the rest of her cute blogs as a bonus prize!  Go :here: and do it now! pwees?


Anonymous said...

Will your parents teach me how to raise someone who's both ridiculously creative AND well-balanced at the same time? Was it something they put in your bottle?

Unknown said...

Hi JP... very nice interview with HissingFauna! I enjoyed your review in the New York Times as well :)

Very fine advice... in any business or endeavor

The "turing" verification to leave you a comment. Hmmmm.... never seen one like this before. Strange... "raturb" (maybe I just have guilt from sending invading rodentia hordes to meet their maker.) Must be Sunday...

peace and swellness!

Hope all is peachy with you and yours!
