Monday, March 23, 2009

a little blog hello from me to you

Things have been quiet here at TAFPWI.... Taff peewee? sure. Life hasn't been quiet, life has been loud, and there's lots of good catching up to do, of which we will only touch upon here tonight.

I was planning a blog on censorship in art, but I can't find the example I wanted to show you, that being, a painting of my own that I had to edit the breasts out of in order to show it in a public space. I know what your thinking -or at least I hope I do- breasts?! you had to edit out  breasts?! well yes, and when I find the before and after pictures I will tell you more. Please stay tuned.

The biggest news here in JP's-vill is that I have officially booked a solo featured show with JRB Gallery at the Elms in OKC, for March of next year. This is a really big deal for me. I think I can safely say this is one of the top galleries in the state. I never expected to get this far in this amount of time. it's a great accomplishment for having only been "at it" (promoting myself in Oklahoma) since last October.

So two solo shows to prepare for, and a slew of summer camp work in front of me, and I'm feeling rather full, as in busy and satisfied.

Life is good, even if I do have a head cold. Now... just to make this a fun post instead of a little rant about what I have and haven't done, here are some awesome images:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kudos on the solo show!

Looking forward to seeing your breasts.